Renter Resources

In the Standish-Ericsson neighborhoods, 20% of our housing is occupied by renters.

SENA works with Standish-Ericsson tenants to advance their immediate demands on repair needs, affordability, and management practices. We work with governmental and nonprofit partners to improve and protect multi-family housing and renters rights through grassroots organizing, and to involve more residents who rent in our neighborhood organization. Our collaborative goal is to build a housing justice movement to guarantee access to healthy, affordable, and secure homes for all Standish-Ericsson renters.  

Interested in getting involved? Contact us at Volunteers are always appreciated. We need Spanish, Somali, Hmong, and English speakers.

Helpful Resources

City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations
Most areas of Minneapolis are represented by a housing-related neighborhood organization. State law gives these organizations the authority to act in protection of your housing rights as a renter. Find your neighborhood by calling Minneapolis 3-1-1 or online at

What Repairs are Required in my Apartment Guide
The guide aims to increase awareness and use of City of Minneapolis ordinance that governs health, safety, and welfare conditions in rental housing, known as the Housing Maintenance Code. English & Spanish

Minneapolis 3-1-1
Call 3-1-1 to report a problem with your rental unit to a housing inspector or for help with non-emergency City services. Weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. | Weekends 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tenant Hotline: 612-728-5767. Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Provides free and confidential legal, organizing, educational and advocacy services so tenants throughout Minnesota can solve their own rental housing problems. HOME Line offers these language services: Español & Af-Soomaali. HOME Line website

Mid-MN Legal Aid & Housing Discrimination Law Project (HDLP)
Intake line: 612-334-5970, Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Provides advice and legal representation for people with low income, seniors and people with disabilities who are experiencing rental housing issues including evictions, discrimination, foreclosure, accommodations for disabled Minnesotans, and Section 8 housing. My Legal Aid

HUD Fair Housing Act
Intake line: 800-765-9372, leave a message at any time.
Report housing discrimination due to familial status or other reasons to the federal government.

Learn more about HUD Fair Housing Act at

City of Minneapolis Civil Rights Department
A neutral government agency that enforces anti-discrimination law. They accept, process, and investigate complaints of discrimination related to housing as well as other areas of prohibited discrimination. To file a complaint, call 612-673-3012, visit in person at 350 S. 5th Street (Room 239) or online at


HousingLink is a nonprofit with a mission is “to improve people’s lives through information expanding their affordable rental choices.” There are over 45,000 searches each month for affordable rental housing on our website.  Renters and service agencies also use Housing Tips and training provided to solve housing problems. Staff at human service agencies use HousingLink’s resources to help their clients overcome barriers to their housing search, and to answer questions about subsidized housing programs.  Landlords use HousingLink to advertise their rental housing openings for free.